TA的每日心情 | 慵懒 2020-1-16 08:06 |
Ship model French corvette LA CRéOLE
Corvette LA CRéOLE - historical background
The French corvette LA CRéOLE was designed 1827 by engineer P. M. Leroux. On 5 May 1829 she was launched at the Cherbourg shipyard. She had a length of 39 m, width of 9,70 m, and was armed with 20 thirty pounder carronades and four eighteen pounder cannons. The crew were 150 men. A contemporary dockyard model of the ship today still stands in the Musée de la Marine in Paris.
This ship model is implemented as partly rigged model here. The rigging stands up to the top of the lower masts. This allows for a clearer view on the deck.
This very beautiful masterpiece model of the LA CRéOLE is 1 : 36 scale. Length is 111 cm, width 27 cm, height 65 cm.
法国巡洋舰“La Creole”
法国巡洋舰“La Creole”是1827年由工程师P. M. Leroux设计。1829年5月5日,她在瑟堡船厂下水。她长39米,宽9.70米,配备20门30磅大口径短炮和4门18磅大炮。船员150人。今天该船的复制品仍然坐落于巴黎的海军博物馆。
这个非常漂亮的“La Creole”杰作模型为1/36的比例。长:111厘米,宽:27厘米,高:65厘米。 |